Thursday, June 29, 2006


Feeling unfocused. My schedule is off, but I'm keeping up with my workouts.

More to come!


Thursday, June 22, 2006

June 22, 06

Good leg workout today! I was feeling some burning on the quads, hams, and calves! First time for that.

* * *
One of my best friends came over to help the kids with vocals last night. The week before they were all excited and ready, then my homeboy shows up and they were trying to avoid it.

Also, I played with my homeboys group a couple of weeks ago and the guy paying seemed to have shorted me $50. I was complaining that it's too bad, not because of the money, but because I like to play music with this guy. But he popped out $25 and told me he'd take half the hit with me.

What a cool guy. I tried to apologize for the kids being kind of stand offish. Then he tells me don't apologize for your kids being kids. How cool is that!

It's almost time for my alone time. Might be good.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

LA Community Garden Story

Armed police stormed a community garden in South Central Los Angeles this week, arresting 25 people including actress Daryl Hannah. The 14 acre plot of land, tended by over 350 neighborhood fruit and vegetable farmers for a decade, is the largest urban community garden in the country, and a symbol of hope for the embattled South Central neighborhood. Although the highly successful garden provides affordable, mostly organic food for low-income residents in this economically depressed area, a ten-year ownership dispute over the land has led to a dramatic standoff between neighborhood residents and the powerful real estate lobby of Los Angeles. Despite massive public opposition, multi-millionaire real estate developer Ralph Horowitz obtained a court order to pave over the community garden and replace it with an industrial warehouse. After back-tracking on a proposal to sell the 14 acre plot to neighborhood residents for $16 million, Horowitz called in the police and bulldozers to clear the property of inhabitants. Neighborhood farmers and residents, along with the L.A. organic community, have vowed to keep up the struggle and save the community garden.
Learn more:
Full Story

June 21, 06 Summertime

Yeah, its the soltice!!! The longest day. I didn't have a workout for today, but got to really soak my new plants and a couple of the older ones having a hard time with the drought and heat.

A good quote from BillyBoydFan

If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I'm looking forward to some alone time this weekend.

My chest is still sore but my back and abs seem OK. See if I get some 48 hour soreness tomorrow.

I've been trying to encourage and support some of my sisters, and sister-in-law. The main thing is encouraging them to find their own motivation.

My motivation was, "I don't want to die young", then "I could be stronger", then "I could look good!". So with that in mind, I still have to lose 20-25 pounds of fat in the next 20 weeks. Its doable. But I've been gaining weight, I really hope its some muscle!!!!

* * *
My homegirl Smacking is moving from Ohio to Vegas. She sounds excited.

* * *
I'm feeling bad that my son's staying at my sister's. But he comes to visit a little bit then leaves. He hugs me, then he starts to act tough and mean with me. Its confusing. I still see the great kid in him, but I also see a lot of pain and confusion. It sucks.

Hope that this trip does us all some good!

My nieces are still at my place. I hope they get it together. Its a little overwhelming.

Keep Lifting, Keep Running!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

June 20, 06

My back workout was interrupted by a phone call. Two of my nieces were sleeping in a friend's car when the mom went out and saw them. She said she'd call the cops so they needed a place to stay. So they are at my house for today.

I hope they figure out getting their stuff together. My family is driving to San Antonio on Friday and I told the girls, they need to figure out something by then. I don't plan to answer the phone or the door for a week and a half. I got lots of thinking to do so this will be good. I'll work on straightening out parts of the house that have been on my nerves for a few years.

My chest is sore, and I think my abs and back may be sore tomorrow as well! Such is progress.

Oh, its nice to have people tell me that I inspire them. Very nice. Thanks!


Monday, June 19, 2006

June 19, 06

I had a great chest workout this morning. Since I'm doing inclines I'm actually feeling like I'm working out totally different. I also got to the weight on the wrist curls that is really challenging. Funny how just a small increment in weight can make a big difference.

One more week of this workout and then I go from lifting 5 days to lifting 4. My cardio over the weekend is still walking. I'm trying to allow my leg and hip time to recouperate before July when I start the 6 days a week cardio (running, jogging and walking combinations).

* * *
Father's Day was awesome!!! It took me awhile to get into it. But I did. The funnest thing was jamming with 3/4 Brown and The Rudy Boy Experiment.

Then we watched Godfather III at my sister's. We started the morning out at Sandia Lakes. That was cool, but I couldn't get into it for some reason. It was fun, but I wasn't there. Too much in my head I guess.


Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 15, 06

Leg workout kicked butt today!!! I should be walking funny tomorrow, LOL!

My lower back is still my weak point and I think I'll have to figure out getting it up to speed and maintaining my leg development. For vanity purposes, I'd like to be the guy that gets checked out while walking away. (damn, said that out loud huh?)

I'm trying to encourage my sisters and sisters-in-law to workout. The guys don't seem to care at this point.

Even my daughter and her buddy are lifting in the garage! I'm proud.

* * *
Worked with the kids on vocals yesterday. It was good. My son hates it, but I just told the kids to get over their attitudes. This is what they say they want to do and I'm gonna show them a way to get there, they'll have to follow their own paths eventually. They are working on El Rey and Corazón Malo. So they can develop their individual voices and also some harmony.

I'm excited. It's chingon to be me right now!


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

June 14, 06

No workout today. But overall, things are going well.

A little soreness in my back. It seems to me like my back is a tough place to workout. I'll just keep going at it and hope it develops correctly.

My diet must still be off, because it doesn't seem to me like I'm losing weight. I'll be happy if at the end of June my hip and ankle are fully healed up. It will be good to do cardio more than twice a week. But it seems smart to back off for now.

This six pack is starting to feel hard to reach, but I know I'll get there!

Keep Lifting, Keep Running!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

June 13, 06

Had a good back workout and ab workout this morning. I think I'm gonna be feeling this one!

Anyway, just trying to figure out getting things together. Realizing that my kids are at the age where its hard to keep them close and its gonna get hard to give them music lessons and such. I'm noticing that I can move beyond some of my previous limitations. It's exciting and scary.

My email seems to be down so I hope that's only temporary.

Keep Lifting, Keep Running!!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

June 12, 06

Been lifting and walking. Today was my chest workout. Incline bench, incline flyes, pullovers and wrist curls. Tomorrow is back and abs.

I definately need to cut back on the beer if I'm going to ever get anything close to ripped - aka the "six pack"...

My hip and ankle are doing better. As is my shoulder. I think going to the chiropractor is helpful.

* * *
Kids are running amoc for summer. We're gonna have some practice, and hopefully some vocals in the next couple of weeks.

* * *
Knees can end up Tin Man creaky or Bionic Woman supple. It's your choice.

The secret to avoiding knee arthritis: Don't sit on the sidelines. Just ask a group of midlife adults who already had knee problems -- a virtual invitation to osteoarthritis. After doing basic weight-bearing exercises 3 times a week for 4 months, they'd squatted, lunged, and stepped their way to real rewards. The evidence: fewer aches, stronger muscles, and measurably healthier cartilage.

Is vitamin D powerful enough to go head-to-head with cancer?

Yes, according to a growing body of evidence. High levels of vitamin D have been found to protect against several kinds of cancer, particularly those of the digestive system: mouth, throat, stomach, and colon. While many of us think we get plenty of vitamin D from milk or a multivitamin, it turns out that the best source is the sun. Its rays trigger your body to produce the nutrient, and a 10-20 minute stroll each day yields an abundant dose.


Friday, June 09, 2006

Friday, June 9, 06

Legs are sore from leg day! I had a good arm workout today, tomorrow is shoulders and abs. Then off to walk in the PRIDE parade.

* * *
There's been so many changes in my life lately (last couple of years) that sometimes I don't know what to do. I'm just trying to learn to enjoy the process and accept that I deserve the good things, and that I can handle the challenges.

Keep Lifting, Keep Running!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Well the world didn't end. That's good because I just paid a bunch of bills. I'd rather the world end with some notice so I can run up a tab!

Yes, my back is a little sore from my workout. I couldn't get up this morning so if I run or walk or whatever it will be tonight.

I did lose a little weight this week. The heat will make it easier for me to lose weight because I usually am less hungry once the weather is past 90 degrees.

Tomorrow is leg day with a new routine...

Keep Lifting, Keep Running!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

6/6/6 Update

Orale Pues...

Did my back workout. I'll see tomorrow if my back gets as sore as my back is today. My workout buddies all seem to be struggling. One has anemia, one fell down some stairs and is really hurting, another is wearing a wrist brace, hopefully not all of you are dealing with stuff like that.

Well I have rehearsal with a mariachi group tonight, but hopefully the Burning Paradise Hell-Abration will go well.

I'll see how my hip is feeling tomorrow and decide if I'll run, jog or walk tomorrow.

* * *
My kids come home today. That's cool, I miss them when they are gone. At least I spent four days with them at a youth conference over the weekend. They are such good kids, I wish I could get across to them how proud I am of them and how much I love them.

I have two gigs with two different bands this weekend, then I'll start learning songs just for myself. There are a few songs I'd like to play note for note by my birthday in November.


Monday, June 05, 2006


OK, Burning Paradise IS having a 6/6/6 sale tomorrow.

Here's the text from the flyer...

Don't be Satan Hatin'!
Its a Hell-Abration!

Featuring the Hellbound Music of The Potty Mouth Sherries!

Dine on Satanic Snacks!
Partake of the Devils Drink!
Rent 2 DVDs for $6.66!

Come Join the evil bastards at Burning Paradise video this Tuesday, June 6th at 6pm as we honor the Dark Lord for giving us Rock-n-Roll and Independent Cinema!


Working Off Belly Bulge

If you haven't lifted anything heavier than the TV remote in months, listen up.

Here's some much-needed motivation for even the girliest of us to hit the weight room: Working muscles can reduce hard-to-budge abdominal fat -- in just two strength-training sessions a week. Even better, building muscle and losing fat have hidden effects on body chemistry that may help fend off both breast and colon cancer.


* * *
Alright, tomorrow is 6/6/6 so the rumor is that Burning Paradise will have a special sale going on!!! IS that cool, or what?

* * *
OK, changing to a 5 day split. I'll be lifting on Monday and Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And I'll be running on Saturday and Sunday. I may also do Wedensday for cardio.

Did my chest workout today, tomorrow is back day. This will be different but I'll tryi it for the month and see how it goes.


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