Monday, June 05, 2006


Working Off Belly Bulge

If you haven't lifted anything heavier than the TV remote in months, listen up.

Here's some much-needed motivation for even the girliest of us to hit the weight room: Working muscles can reduce hard-to-budge abdominal fat -- in just two strength-training sessions a week. Even better, building muscle and losing fat have hidden effects on body chemistry that may help fend off both breast and colon cancer.


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Alright, tomorrow is 6/6/6 so the rumor is that Burning Paradise will have a special sale going on!!! IS that cool, or what?

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OK, changing to a 5 day split. I'll be lifting on Monday and Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. And I'll be running on Saturday and Sunday. I may also do Wedensday for cardio.

Did my chest workout today, tomorrow is back day. This will be different but I'll tryi it for the month and see how it goes.


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