Saturday, July 13, 2019

July Deload Week

This next week will just be the 100 push-ups a day plus walking.

Hopefully it is useful for recuperation. It's been hard getting a full night's sleep this past few weeks and maybe that will change.

Keeping positive can be a challenge. I appreciate those of you who are supportive.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Delayed Check-In

I haven't been posting. However I have been working out. I'm still trying to let my bicep recuperate so I've lightened all lifting and stopped curls, pull-ups, etc. Life has been extra hectic, overall still good. 

Cardio is good. I made to 3 miles on a treadmill. I'll drop to 1 mile runs and increase the pace each workout starting at 5 miles an hour for a month. Then I'll up to 2 miles, and then 3. I'll see how that's feeling. 

Still doing the 100 push-ups a day. My friend had surgery for her cancer and I'll keep doing this until the end of the year as just a positive energy thing for her. 


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