Monday, April 06, 2020

April 6, 2020

The New Mexico stay at home order is going on until the 30th. Overall I'm OK with that part. Working on a computer is tiring and still a privilege to have a job.

Gardening is going OK. Purging the house hasn't picked up much steam. Things are still going though. Pushups are about 5 days a week. I need to walk or run also though.

I haven't set up a space to do calisthenics. I know it "should" be easier and all of that. However, it ain't. Keeping at it will require me to figure out whatever block I have, or trigger I need. I'm not super worried about it. My massage therapist wanted me to chill on lifting. This wasn't how I expected to get there.

I think when I start again I'll focus on trying to get my posture balanced before lifting heavy. Unless mentally I need the push, then I'll have to find a new way to deal with that.

All I know, is that beyond the personal workout stuff, it will be important to look at solutions we have created around the pandemic that we continue to move forward. The old "normal" was hurting people, and we have seen answers to that. We can now move ahead for a healthier world for all of us!


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