Thursday, June 15, 2006

June 15, 06

Leg workout kicked butt today!!! I should be walking funny tomorrow, LOL!

My lower back is still my weak point and I think I'll have to figure out getting it up to speed and maintaining my leg development. For vanity purposes, I'd like to be the guy that gets checked out while walking away. (damn, said that out loud huh?)

I'm trying to encourage my sisters and sisters-in-law to workout. The guys don't seem to care at this point.

Even my daughter and her buddy are lifting in the garage! I'm proud.

* * *
Worked with the kids on vocals yesterday. It was good. My son hates it, but I just told the kids to get over their attitudes. This is what they say they want to do and I'm gonna show them a way to get there, they'll have to follow their own paths eventually. They are working on El Rey and Corazón Malo. So they can develop their individual voices and also some harmony.

I'm excited. It's chingon to be me right now!


Hola Carino!!
Tu eres un amor. Espero que todos esten bien, los mando un abrazote enorme y muchos besitos.
You are my biggest inspiration.
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