Sunday, March 31, 2019

First Week Last Month of April Meet Prep

I posted on my Tuesday lifts here. I continued to do calisthenics and bike cardio on non-weight days. I decided to keep lifting on other days. My bicep and forearm have been bothering me, yet not debilitating. Getting the 100 push-ups a day even with minimal discomfort has been good. It's a great thing to try and figure out fear of being hurt and adapting to check things out. Seems like this should be OK. I'll be away from weights until Thursday this week because of a conference. I'll just up my core work and calisthenics.

Bench Press, because I was worried about my arm I started with the bar (45lbs) for a set of 10. There wasn't any discomfort however I decided to stay slow. Then I went for 95 for 5, 135 for 5, then 165x5, 175x5, and finished with 180x3. I started with bench because the squat rack and deadlift platform were being used.

Squats 135lbs for 5 reps, then 177x5, and 195x5. Then I did 200 for 4. I dropped from 210 because I didn't feel I had good form. 

Deadlifts 135x5, then 205x5, 225x5 and finished with 245 for 5.  Even though I could have gone for 250 for 3, I felt it important to skip increasing weight for now. 

I think doing squats and then deadlifts back to back was rough. My lower back was hurting so I did my 3 sets of push-ups - 42, 42, and 16 for 100 before the final set on deadlifts.  

I made it after the Cesar Chavez event in the afternoon. There were a couple of people on the squat racks. So I changed up the order.

Deadlifts 135x5, then 205x5, 225x5 and finished with 245 for 5. Felt pretty good. 

Bench Press 135 for 5, then 165x5, 175x5, and finished with 180x4. 

Squats 135lbs for 5 reps, then 177x5, and 195x5. Then I did 202 for 5. There were weights that had 11lbs instead of 10 so I figured it couldn't hurt to add the 2 pounds. 

3 sets of push-ups - 42, 42, and 16 for 100. 

Feeling good overall. Back to ice and heat. 

Continuing to use the 1 rep max (1RM) calculator my max lifts for this week are (last meet in parentheses):
Squat 235lbs (203)
Bench 203lbs (176)
Deadlifts 286lbs (270)


Thursday, March 28, 2019

2nd Lift Day for Last Month of Prep

I went in to lift. I was worried about my arm. Also spent a lot of time the last 48 hours thinking about how we relate to pain and injuries. I think meditation, breathing exercises, visualization, and those types of tools have been working for me.

Because the squat rack was busy I went out of order and started with benching.

I started with the bar just in case there was an issue. Seemed fine. So I went up 135, 155, 165, 175, and ended with 180lbs for 3 repetitions.

On squat I did 135x5, 175x5, 195x5, and then because I wasn't certain I was lifting 210 with good form I did 200lbs for 4 reps. While I try really hard not to reduce weight it felt smart, and going against my ego, to drop weight. With that weight the 1 rep max calculator estimates I can do 226 for 1. Felt good overall, yet I can definitely feel that my lower back is challenged. I lift "raw" (no equipment) and know I could lift more with a belt and other equipment. I figure I'll lift what I can safely raw and deal with that.

Going back to deadlifts had me a little nervous. I did 135x5, then 205x5, 225x5, and my back was burnt from squats right into deadlift. So I did push-ups, a set of 42, then 42, and 16. After that I checked my fear and pulled 245 for a set of 5 repetitions.

Feels good to push through the mental fear, and still listen to my body. Saturday I'll have to lift after the Cesar Chavez event. I'll be at a conference early next week and not sure if I'll have access to weights. I figure I can do core work and let my arm heal. I'll keep doing the 100 push-ups a day!


Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Keeping at it! March 2019 Edition!

Started the routine today.

Squats 135lbs for 5 reps, then 170x5, and 190x5. I did 210 for 3 however I'm not sure I went low enough for competition. Definitely going to stay at 210. I might go to 175 and 195 for the 2nd and 3rd sets.

Bench Press 135 for 5, then 165x5, 170x5, and finished with 175x5. I think that's a personal record for me. (I may go look through other workouts to see)

Deadlifts 135x5, then 200x5 and I stayed with an overhand grip with both hands at that weight which is hard for me. Followed that up with 225x5 and finished up with 245 for 5. On the last rep at 245 it felt like a knot in my muscles was opened up and it felt good for a second, then it hurt. I was able to remove the weights and put them back.

I followed that up with push-ups, I figured that was my test on how serious this injury might be. I was able to do three sets. First two sets were 42 pushups and I finished with a set of 16 for the 100.

I'm doing ice and heat. The ice pouch I have is huge so it looks way more dramatic than is necessary. Tomorrow is bike riding and cardio day. I'll see how it's going tomorrow. Thursday I'll see if I can do any lifts.

I texted Lee, my coach, from the gym and filled him in and let him know I could do the push-ups. He suggested ice, heat, and continue to move it so stiffness wouldn't set in. That helped.

A good friend I checked in with told me visualize the ice reducing the inflammation. I'm going to do that, and also continue to visualize my lifts. It's nice to feel confident that I'll be able to lift when April 27 meet comes up.

Using the 1 rep max (1RM) calculator my lifts are (last meet in parentheses):
Squat 229lbs (203)
Bench 204lbs (176)
Deadlifts 286lbs (270)

On to visualization and as always, KEEP GRINDING!!!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Final Prep for Gallup

Deload week is over and tomorrow starts my strength month. Today was moderate cardio with 3 sets of 3 minute sprints on the exercise bike with 3 minute rest periods, then some calisthenics.

Tomorrow I start the following program for my lifting days.
4 sets of Squats, Bench, and Deadlifts followed by HIIT on the bike. If I can't lift because of work, I'll do extra cardio.

Squats, 135x5, 170x5, 190x3+, and 210x3+ (if I can get to5 on either of those I'll go up in weight)
Bench, 135x5, 165x5, 170x3+, and 175x3+ (same as above)
Deadlifts, 135x5, 200x5, 225x3+, and 245x3+ (same as above)

Not exciting yet seems like it has worked in the past.

I haven't shared this online before. If you go to Go to Retro PL (for unassisted powerlifting) I'm on line 76. If you go to I'm in the Unequipped Masters 2 category. I had chosen not to share before because I didn't think it was a big deal. If it helps to inspire someone to lift then it was worth it.

(This is for my own reference - my best in a meet is 203lbs Squat, 176lbs Bench, and 270lbs Deadlift. Hoping for a 5lb increase on each for the next competition. Some of my lifts already seem to be better and I still have one month to go!)


Tuesday, March 19, 2019

March 2019 Catch-Up

I'm starting weight lifting de-load week this week. Made it through colds, family members sick and in the hospital, in ER and ICU. One funeral in the extended family. I definitely appreciate those who are helpful and compassionate.

Glad the weather is getting a little warmer. I've gone on a few family walks. Trying to make it a group activity.

For cardio I've been doing the bike with the "sprint" portion on higher resistance than the "recover" sections. Usually for three sets of 3 minutes on sprint and recovery. Whenever I've had some extra time I have added some extra cardio.

Yesterday I did a 40 minute exercise bike ride with 1 minute "sprints" and 2 minute "recovery" sections. This month I have gotten up to 5 miles on the bike while doing sprints and recovery periods. The long bike ride I made it to 9.8 miles. Feels good.

Also saw a friend post on Facebook about reversing diabetes. I'm really proud. That's some hard work.


5 minute warm-up 
Squat 155x5, 165x5, 180x5
100 push-ups
5 sets of pull-ups 2 each
5 sets of 13 lunges 

4 count jumping jacks x 55

5 minute warm-up  

Incline bench press 120x5, 130x5, 150x5

100 push-ups
5 sets of overhead DB press with 25lbs x 10
5 sets of DB curls 25lbs x 9 
Air squats x 52
Wall Stretch

5 minute warm-up

Deadlift 175x5, 200x5, 220x6

200 push-ups (I felt stronger this day even with a cold)
Flat bench 155x5, 5, 5

Wall Stretch

5 minute warm-up 
Squat 135x5, 160x3, 180x3, 200x3
100 push-ups
5 sets of pull-ups 3 each
5 sets of 14 lunges 

4 count jumping jacks x 56

5 minute warm-up and Range of Motion exercises 

Incline bench press 125x3, 135x3, 155x4
100 push-ups
5 sets of overhead DB press with 25lbs x 11
5 sets of DB curls 25lbs x 10, 10, 9, 9, 9 
Air squats x 53
Wall Stretch

5 minute warm-up and Range of Motion exercises
Deadlift 185x5, 210x5, 235x5
120 push-ups 
5 sets of 1 minute and 25 second planks
5 sets of Good Mornings with 65lbs x 10
Flat bench 160x5, 5, 8
Wall Stretch

5 minute warm-up 
Squat 235x5, 170x5, 190x3, 210x3
100 push-ups
5 sets of pull-ups 5, 3, 3, 3, 3
5 sets of 15 lunges 

4 count jumping jacks x 60

5 minute warm-up  

Incline bench press 125x5, 140x3, 160x3
140 push-ups
5 sets of overhead DB press with 25lbs x 12
5 sets of DB curls 25lbs x 12, 10, 10, 10, 10 
Air squats x 60
Wall Stretch

5 minute warm-up and Range of Motion exercises
Deadlift 135x5, 200x5, 225x3, 245x3
200 push-ups 
5 sets of 1 minute and 30 second planks
5 sets of Good Mornings with 70lbs x 10, 12, 15, 18, 20
Flat bench 165x5, 5, 5
Wall Stretch
This week all the big lifts are with 135lbs. Posting was helpful in getting my mind off of stuff for a minute. There's not anything I can do so worrying doesn't help. Yet it still happens. 


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