Friday, November 23, 2018
Wednesday Workout of Last Week of Winter Prep 2018
This is my last week of prep before the December 1 meet. Because of the holiday I'm lifting Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday (or later) because of injury. I did HIIT today instead of lifting.
Wednesday I lifted:
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x190, 5x195, 3x200
Bench 5x135, 5x155, 5x160, 5x165, 4x180
Deadlifts 5x135, 5x235, 4x240, 2x245
Squat felt decent. I'm not sure where the form starts to break down. Bench went great. I accidentally went lighter on the middle sets and I think that helped the 180 be a set of 4. I'll have to test that in the future. Deadlifts felt rough from the beginning. When I got to 245 I felt something pull in my back on the third repetition so I stopped. I'm going to take care of it and may not lift at all before the meet which will feel uncomfortable.
I still think I'll make weight for the event even though I gained a little from the holiday.
This blog started years ago to talk about self-care and weightlifting. It stopped for a few years. It was been restarted when I was told that I was diabetic. I had an A1C of 9.3. A1C is an estimate of your blood sugar level over the last 3 months and 6.5 is pre-diabetic, and usually over 7 is considered diabetic. In March I was re-tested and my A1C was 5.0. That's below pre-diabetic (so, essentially non-diabetic). It was nice to have my doctor say, "you used to be diabetic." I'm still working on improving my insulin sensitivity and not thinking I'm out of the woods yet. My September retest came back with and A1C of 4.9. March 2018 test came back with 5.2 A1C. I'm happy for all of the people who enjoy and appreciate this blog, and even for the people who spend more time on the blog than I do.
The results were from diet and exercise. Here is a quick summary of how I responded to being diagnosed as diabetic. I'm going to post this review every so often. Mostly when I post the blog to Twitter or Facebook.
My lifting approach was to gain muscle to help with insulin sensitivity so I focused on compound exercises mostly (deadlift, bench, squat, overhead press) with some other things to round out such as pull-ups and bicep curls. I'm currently still doing full body workouts and on a strength routine.
Monday, November 19, 2018
Monday of Last week of Prep
This is my last week of prep before the December 1 meet. Because of the holiday I'm lifting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Next week I'll lift Tuesday and Thursday and just focus on form with the bar.
Today I lifted:
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x190, 4x195, 3x200
Bench 5x135, 5x165, 4x170, 4x175, 2x180
Deadlifts 5x135, 4x235 for two sets, 3x240, 3x245
I hope that I had good form on the squats. It didn't feel as hard as I expected. Bench was good right up to the 175, the 180 felt really tough. I started the third rep and realized I wouldn't get it. Deadlifts have been lagging so I pushed it. They felt hard. I'll push 235+ again on Wednesday. I'll go by feel and try to increase anything that feels ok.
I think I'll make weight for the event. I'm just hoping that I'll get a chance to lift at weight before the meet.
I'm actually feeling physically better than I have in most of my previous workouts. I tried to control my breathing and I think that helped. I'll have to keep trying to get the blood pressure down.
For December I might try a non-barbell focused type of workout.
Below is my guess of a 1 rep max calculated from Symmetric Strength first then my goal from last meet (5 pounds higher than last meet).
Squat 218 (200)
Bench 189 (170)
Deadlift 267 (270)
This blog started years ago to talk about self-care and weightlifting. It stopped for a few years. It was been restarted when I was told that I was diabetic. I had an A1C of 9.3. A1C is an estimate of your blood sugar level over the last 3 months and 6.5 is pre-diabetic, and usually over 7 is considered diabetic. In March I was re-tested and my A1C was 5.0. That's below pre-diabetic (so, essentially non-diabetic). It was nice to have my doctor say, "you used to be diabetic." I'm still working on improving my insulin sensitivity and not thinking I'm out of the woods yet. My September retest came back with and A1C of 4.9. March 2018 test came back with 5.2 A1C. I'm happy for all of the people who enjoy and appreciate this blog, and even for the people who spend more time on the blog than I do.
The results were from diet and exercise. Here is a quick summary of how I responded to being diagnosed as diabetic. I'm going to post this review every so often. Mostly when I post the blog to Twitter or Facebook.
My lifting approach was to gain muscle to help with insulin sensitivity so I focused on compound exercises mostly (deadlift, bench, squat, overhead press) with some other things to round out such as pull-ups and bicep curls. I'm currently still doing full body workouts and on a strength routine.
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Science of Fasting
The last fasting video was taken down. This is different with some similar information.
Another Week Closer! 11-18-18
I'm doing HIIT with the sprints set at 4 for this week. 5 sprints total. Using an exercise bike.
Tuesday and Thursday I lifted
Saturday I lifted
This coming week I'll lift Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'll be doing sets of 4s, 3s, and maybe 2s by Friday.
My weight is fluctuating from 149 to 154. I'll have to keep an eye on it to make weight for the NASA New Mexico Christmas Regional.
Overall I am feeling good about the training. I'm working on controlling my breath, including positive self talk. It's hard realizing how just a little bit of carbs can add weight. I'm feeling good knowing that I can control weight to some degree. I've been working on my mindset and attitude and it seems to be helping me stay positive, focused, and determined!
The results were from diet and exercise. Here is a quick summary of how I responded to being diagnosed as diabetic. I'm going to post this review every so often. Mostly when I post the blog to Twitter or Facebook.
Tuesday and Thursday I lifted
Squat set 1, 5x135, set 2-5 5x180
Bench set 1, 5x135, set 2-5 5x155
Deadlifts set 1, 5x135, set 2-5 5x200
Saturday I lifted
Squat set 1, 5x135, 185 for 5, then 6. 190 for 5, then 195 for 4.
Bench set 1, 5x135, then 160 for a set of 5, then a set of 6. Followed that for 165 for a set of 5, and 170 for 4.
Deadlifts set 1, 5x135, then 210 for 2 sets of 5. I followed that up with 215 for 5, and 220 for 5!
This coming week I'll lift Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I'll be doing sets of 4s, 3s, and maybe 2s by Friday.
So I'm doing my meet personal record by 2 pounds for multiple reps, that feels good. I'm doing my bench record for reps also. The deadlift is where I'm not fully there yet.
Here's what I lifted at my first meet.
Squat 87.5 kilos (193lbs)
Bench 75 kilos (165lbs)
Deadlift 120 kilos (265lbs)
Overall I am feeling good about the training. I'm working on controlling my breath, including positive self talk. It's hard realizing how just a little bit of carbs can add weight. I'm feeling good knowing that I can control weight to some degree. I've been working on my mindset and attitude and it seems to be helping me stay positive, focused, and determined!
This blog started years ago to talk about self-care and weightlifting. It stopped for a few years. It was been restarted when I was told that I was diabetic. I had an A1C of 9.3. A1C is an estimate of your blood sugar level over the last 3 months and 6.5 is pre-diabetic, and usually over 7 is considered diabetic. In March I was re-tested and my A1C was 5.0. That's below pre-diabetic (so, essentially non-diabetic). It was nice to have my doctor say, "you used to be diabetic." I'm still working on improving my insulin sensitivity and not thinking I'm out of the woods yet. My September retest came back with and A1C of 4.9. March 2018 test came back with 5.2 A1C. I'm happy for all of the people who enjoy and appreciate this blog, and even for the people who spend more time on the blog than I do.
The results were from diet and exercise. Here is a quick summary of how I responded to being diagnosed as diabetic. I'm going to post this review every so often. Mostly when I post the blog to Twitter or Facebook.
My lifting approach was to gain muscle to help with insulin sensitivity so I focused on compound exercises mostly (deadlift, bench, squat, overhead press) with some other things to round out such as pull-ups and bicep curls. I'm currently still doing full body workouts and on a strength routine.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Breathing and Exercise
I'm looking at a variety of training ideas. Breathing is important and I'm trying to include it into my training consciously. Hopefully this will add to my workout.
I tried 10 rounds of the "Box Breathing" and it lowered my blood pressure by several points. I'll continue to test this out for a month or so. I'm going to also look at sports visualization and more moving forward.
My lifting approach was to gain muscle to help with insulin sensitivity so I focused on compound exercises mostly (deadlift, bench, squat, overhead press) with some other things to round out such as pull-ups and bicep curls. I'm currently doing a 3 way split.
I tried 10 rounds of the "Box Breathing" and it lowered my blood pressure by several points. I'll continue to test this out for a month or so. I'm going to also look at sports visualization and more moving forward.
This blog started years ago to talk about self-care and weightlifting. It stopped for a few years. It was restarted when I was told that I was diabetic. I had an A1C of 9.3. A1C is an estimate of your blood sugar level over the last 3 months and 6.5 is pre-diabetic, and usually over 7 is considered diabetic. In March I was re-tested and my A1C was 5.0. That's below pre-diabetic (so, essentially non-diabetic). It was nice to have my doctor say, "you used to be diabetic." I'm still working on improving my insulin sensitivity and not thinking I'm out of the woods yet. My September 2017 retest came back with and A1C of 4.9. March 2018 test came back with 5.2 A1C. My September 2018 test came back with 5.1 A1C.
Weight wasn't my goal though it changed with everything. I started at 195 and after three months I was at 155. My lowest since this has been 142 and I've gotten back up to 165 and weight is changing again.
The results were from diet and exercise. Here is a quick summary of how I responded to being diagnosed as diabetic. I'm going to post this review every so often. Mostly when I post the blog to Twitter or Facebook.
Between now and the end of November I will be focusing on Strength. I went up to 5 "sprints" for cardio. I'm listing my goals in my general PRs page