Friday, November 23, 2018

Wednesday Workout of Last Week of Winter Prep 2018

This is my last week of prep before the December 1 meet. Because of the holiday I'm lifting Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday (or later) because of injury. I did HIIT today instead of lifting.

Wednesday I lifted:
Squat 5x135, 5x185, 5x190, 5x195, 3x200

Bench 5x135, 5x155, 5x160, 5x165, 4x180

Deadlifts 5x135, 5x235, 4x240, 2x245  

Squat felt decent. I'm not sure where the form starts to break down. Bench went great. I accidentally went lighter on the middle sets and I think that helped the 180 be a set of 4. I'll have to test that in the future. Deadlifts felt rough from the beginning. When I got to 245 I felt something pull in my back on the third repetition so I stopped. I'm going to take care of it and may not lift at all before the meet which will feel uncomfortable. 

I still think I'll make weight for the event even though I gained a little from the holiday.  

For December I still think a non-barbell focused type of workout may be good. Maybe a bunch of calisthenics with one of the big three lifts. 


This blog started years ago to talk about self-care and weightlifting. It stopped for a few years. It was been restarted when I was told that I was diabetic. I had an A1C of 9.3. A1C is an estimate of your blood sugar level over the last 3 months and 6.5 is pre-diabetic, and usually over 7 is considered diabetic. In March I was re-tested and my A1C was 5.0. That's below pre-diabetic (so, essentially non-diabetic). It was nice to have my doctor say, "you used to be diabetic." I'm still working on improving my insulin sensitivity and not thinking I'm out of the woods yet. My September retest came back with and A1C of 4.9.  March 2018 test came back with 5.2 A1C. I'm happy for all of the people who enjoy and appreciate this blog, and even for the people who spend more time on the blog than I do. 

The results were from diet and exercise. Here is a quick summary of how I responded to being diagnosed as diabetic. I'm going to post this review every so often. Mostly when I post the blog to Twitter or Facebook.

My lifting approach was to gain muscle to help with insulin sensitivity so I focused on compound exercises mostly (deadlift, bench, squat, overhead press) with some other things to round out such as pull-ups and bicep curls. I'm currently still doing full body workouts and on a strength routine.

Well done on the lifts Enrique. Hope you're feeling good about the upcoming competition.

I'm back at the old gym. I never should have left, but there's a lot to learn by going somewhere else for a year. I love using the squat machine at this gym. It forces me to use proper form, something I realize I can easily get away from.

I gave a coworker a link to this blog, and encouraged him to comment. He has diabetes, has had success with keto diets and recently got back to it. He's considering fasting as a way to help manage diabetes.

Keep on HIITing!!! :)
Awesome all the way around.

After this meet I'll be working on more bodyweight workouts. Kind of Cross Fit style. Not completely in their style, yet incorporate some of that.

I'm going to focus on rebuilding range of motion.

Have a good one and I look forward to talking with someone else about diabetes and fasting. :)

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