Monday, December 13, 2021

Continuing December 2021

I'm feeling like something isn't exactly right with my routine. Checked in with Lee and he suggested timed reps and pause reps. 

Timed, or time under tension reps, are like slow down, pause, then explosive lift. Pause reps are pausing at the bottom of the squat and bench, and mid-way on deadlift for 3-5 seconds. 

Suggested is 50-65% of one rep max. So here's the next round. I'm going to stick to 3 sets, then 4, then 5 for volume. 

A - 
Deadlifts 110x5 with 3 second holds mid-way
Good Mornings 60x12
Ham Curls 55x12
Bent Rows 50x12
Lat Pull-Downs 60x12
DB Curls 10x12

B -
Squats 100x12
Lunges 5x12
Incline Bench 65x12
Shoulder Press 45x12
Lateral Cable Raise 10x12
Tricep Pull-Down 55x12

I'll see how this feels. 

I'm also on 67 days playing some music daily. Some days I get to work on multiple instruments, most days still just accordion.

Work has had some extra stress. Hopefully things resolve well. I'm learning to stop thinking about work after 5, though it's still a struggle. 


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