Monday, November 08, 2021

So I did my workouts in reverse order.  The best part of the A B style workout is that I just go from there and keep going without it really having a huge impact. On the treadmill I'm at 4.5 or 13:20 pace (I think, I'll confirm). My heart rate was definitely higher today. For 15 minutes I got into the low 150s. Last week I noticed that on Friday it was definitely easier.

So here's what I ended doing on the 3 set days last week. Tomorrow I start on 4 sets and on Saturday I'll be at 5 sets, and also for next Tuesday.

B -
Squats 140x10
Lunges 10x5
Incline Bench 100x10
Shoulder Press 50x10
Later Cable Raise 15x12
Tricep Pull-Down 45x12

A -
Deads 170x5
Good Mornings 50x12
Ham Curls 70x8
Seated Rows 110x8
Lat Pull Downs 85x10
Hammer Curls 20x8

As for music, I'm on day 32 of a new streak of studying. I had a gig yesterday and that was the lightest day of playing music so far. My primary song for the month is Flor de Las Flores. I'm internalizing it by trying to sing along the accordion parts. Sunday and Monday have been my heavy listen day. I just listen to one or two songs over and over those days. The rest I try and figure out parts on the accordion. Seems to be helpful so far. This video was a good one to watch and has a great story to start out.


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