Monday, October 18, 2021

Recalibration Station - 10-18-2021

So long story short. I didn't make it to the gym on Thursday so I only lifted twice. I'll post what I lifted later. I also decided to change to a volume workout. Google said there wasn't a good match when I searched for CuerpoAztlan and 1RM calculator. I still found this though - 1RM Calculator so below are estimations based on last heavy lifts. The way I'm going to do volume is 3 sets one week, then 4 sets the next, and 5 sets the following, then drop back to 3 sets and add 5-10+ pounds depending on how the lifts are going. Last sets will be AMRAP (as many reps as possible). 

I may only lift for sets of 8. Goal will be 10 reps though.

A -
Deads 165x5 with long pauses for grip work
Good Mornings 45x10
Ham curls 65x10 
Seated Rows 105x10 
Lat Pull downs
Hammer Curls 15x10

B -
Squats 145x10
Lunges 5x5  
Incline Bench 110x10 
Shoulder press 65x10   
Lateral raises with cables 10x?   
Tricep Pulldowns 50x10

Hope this works out!


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