Sunday, November 03, 2019

End of October Check In

Thanks again for being here and reading. Knowing how many of you visit is a big deal and makes a difference. I also want to recognize and honor Dely Alcantara who passed today. She was a strong voice for Asians in general and the community from the Philippines in Albuquerque. She will be greatly missed.

This week was the first week of this last cycle before the December 7 Meet. I'm going to still do running 1 to 3 times a week. Still doing the 100 push-ups a day for my friend overcoming cancer.

If you missed the last post, I had a 4.5 A1C reading. A1C is the average of your blood sugar over a 3 month period. When I was diagnosed as diabetic my A1C was 9.6. After three months I brought it down to 5.2 which is a fairly huge drop for 3 months. I let myself get into a bad spot and I am glad I was able to pull myself out of it. I have a friend who is also working hard to reverse his diabetes and he is doing a great job. It would be great if I would have never gotten to that point. I did and pulled myself out.

For cardio this week I did 20 minutes on the bike both Monday and Friday. I'm getting just over 5 miles in that time. I ran 3 miles on Wednesday and came in under 30 minutes. I'll keep working toward getting under 25 minutes.

My lifting this week was a little heavy yet felt pretty good over all.

Squat 135x5, 155x5, 175x5, 195x5, and 215x5
Leg Curls 50x12, 12, 12, 12, 12
Calf Raises 35x20, 20, 20, 20, 20
100 push-ups
I wasn't expecting to get to 215 already

Bench 135x5, 145x5, 155x5, 165x5, and 175x5
Hammer Curls 5x30, 10x20, 15x15, 15, and 20x10
100 Push-ups split up as 40, 30, and 30
Assisted Pull-ups at -75lbs for 3 sets of 10
Was happy to push the bench instead of keeping it lighter

Deadlifts 135x5, 185x5, 205x5, and 2 reps at 225 with overhand grip. Then I did 3 more reps with mixed grip, and 265x5 with mixed grip for the final set
Leg Push-Downs 55x20, 65x20, 75x20, 85x20, and 95x20
100 Push-ups
I was super happy with this set of lifts

I checked the 1 rep max calculator and it predicts the following:
Squat 251lbs
Bench 204
Deadlift 309

That is better than my best squat (204), bench (193), and deadlift (287). So this week coming I'll try to add weight to the lifts. Recuperating and maximizing my health has been a good journey. Thank you to those who keep at it and inspire me!

Please share your progress here as well. Maybe link to your blog so we can all see how you're doing. Sharing your hard work will help inspire others.


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