Sunday, June 02, 2019

06-02-2019 Weekly Check In

Just finished a run. I did 0.79 miles at a 12:03 pace. It was a 9 minute and 35 second run. There is something helpful for me to focus on the privilege of being able to go out and run, use an app to measure my pace. I could tell that it could be easy to focus on my elbow/bicep pain, small pains in my legs and hips. So I'm working on the mindset while running to.

During the week I kept working on cardio on the exercise bike set to "rolling hills" and was able to get 5 miles in before 20 minutes. I'll keep working to step that up. It is interesting to notice the "second wind" and try to figure how to work that. There's a theory I ran across on YouTube and I'll share at the bottom.

Weights for the week

Bike for 5 minutes, Range of Motion exercises and stretching
Squat 165lbs for 5, then 185x3, and 210x3 (that was my 1+ set)
Partial set on 14 on the rack, I couldn't get 245 off the pins so I tried 225lbs and was ale to get that weight up 5 times. I'll stay at this place until I can do 245 here.
Seated Calf Raises 57 1/2 lbs for three sets of 10
Then I did a circuit of push-ups, sit-ups, burpees, mountain climbers and 4 cout jumping jacks
I did four circuits of 10, then the final circuit was 15, 12, 11, 10, and 13
Ended with stretching

Bike for 5 minutes, Range of Motion exercises and stretching
Bench press 130lbs for 5, then 145x3, and 165x5 (my 1+ set)
Farmer Walk with dumbbell on each side across the gym 20lbs, then 25lbs, then 30lbs
Barbell curls 40lbs for 15 and it was a little uncomfortable (I assumed it was from the farmer walk), then 50x10, and when I went for 60lbs and immediately felt a lot of pain in my bicep. I'll talk about how I'm dealing with that below.
The circuit for the day was push-ups, sit-ups, 4 count jumping jacks and air squats.
Push-ups 42, 20, 20, 20, 25
15 Sit-ups and 20 four count jumping jacks for all 5 circuits
Air squats were 10 on first and 15 on the rest

Bike for 5 minutes, Range of Motion exercises and stretching
Deadlift 200lbs for 5, 225lbs x3 and this is where my grip starts to falter on overhand, 250 for two reps and it required opposite hand grip. More on this below too!
Overhead Press 50lbs for three sets of 12 my biceps on both sides hurt when I got to the bottom of each rep
Farmer walk again this time 25lbs, then 30, then 35lbs
5 Circuits of 10 burpees, 10 sit-ups (20 on last circuit), 20 push-ups, 20 for count jumping jacks, and 10 back extensions
Ended with stretching

So I'm trying to work around my bicep injury. I figured out it's still not better so I'll have to take longer before trying arm curls or pull-ups. It will be wiser to only deadlift with overhand. That means limiting my lifts to those I can do overhand. At 225lbs my grip starts to falter. I'll do farmer walks, rack pulls, and other things to get the grip stronger without having to use alternate lifts. I have until December before I'm planning to compete so that will give me time to heal before going heavy. I ran into coach Lee today and he took time to check in on how my arms are doing and gave me the advice above. Totally makes sense.

From above: this video talks about how the mind is more important to fatigue than lactic acid. I'm looking for other information on this. I kept this in mind while running today. I could feel my mind wandering toward negative thinking. I could feel the discomfort in my bicep, I noticed my hips hurting, and a little headache. I worked at focusing on what a privilege it is to be able to choose to run. Had a family member out with me. That makes it more fun. I'll keep at it and work at adding a 1/4 mile each week until I'm at 3 miles then go for increasing speed.


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