Saturday, April 20, 2019

Last April 2019 Heavy Workout

Did cardio and calisthenics workout yesterday. It was definitely a challenge. Today I went heavy and generally felt good. Did a couple of hours of pulling weeds after the gym and feeling it in my back. Think that I'm starting to pick up a little more energy. Next week will be mostly cardio and calisthenics. I'll double check with my coach, Lee from The PowerPlant.

Today, Saturday April 20, 2019 I did the following

Bike warm up for 10 minutes, figure I need more warm up time
Range of Motion warm-up exercises

Squat 135x5, 205x3, and 230x3. I did fewer sets at a higher weight as I'm more focused on getting my body used to moving heavy weight than volume or endurance for now.

Bench press 135x5, 185x3, and 200 for one and a half reps. I'm very glad I'm willing to ask for spotter. The guy asked if I wanted to try again and I said, "no thanks, it's more than I was really needing to lift."

Deadlifts 135x5, 225x3, and 270x3. That was a good lift. Hopefully I can clear 280 next weekend.

Push-ups I did 20 with very strict form on the minute for five minutes to get my 100 for the day.

Gripper 35lbs for 3 sets of 20

I skipped burpees today, finished with stretches and wall stretch.

No heavy work next week until Saturday. It's all about recovery. I may do some work on shoulders and hips. Light and just to start getting my body able to go up in December for that meet. I'll also start getting my body ready to run.

One of the reasons I'm super pleased with this week's work mostly because I am fasting. My last meal was Sunday evening and I'll not eat until tomorrow. Friday and today have been hardest. I also decided that if I don't make the 148 category I'll be fine at 165. That reminds me, it's time to go register!


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