Monday, January 07, 2019

1/7/19 Workout

My blood pressure is still bouncing around a great deal. However I feel like I'm still making progress. Figuring out my own stress resilience has been an incredible challenge. It gets scary at times.

Today I worked on cardio and noticed that it feels like harder work to get my heart rate to 140 or higher. I have ended up also doing some calisthenics above and beyond the bike. I think that's been good. And since I'm doing 100 push-ups a day I feel like it is more important to try and post daily. I'll keep at it.

When things are slower at the office I take breaks to get away from the computer. When I can I get a chance I do push-ups, or squats, or take a walk. I'll keep doing that as much as I can.

I still start my work staff meetings with the box breathing. That's been good. Another good thing to keep going. Today I had my team talk about some improvements to our regular work and our needs as team members.

Feel free to suggest things you'd like me to include more of in the blog posts.

Workouts for this cycle
Day 1
5 minute warm-up (heart rate up to 148)
Squat 135x5, 145x5, 160x5+
5 sets of 20 push-ups
5 sets of 1+ pull-ups (good form)
5 sets of 10 4 count lunges
50 4 count jumping jacks

Day 2
5 minute warm-up (heart rate up to 148)
Incline bench press 110x5, 120x5, 140x5+
5 sets of 20 push-ups
5 sets of overhead press (try 15lb DBs to start)
5 sets of DB curls (start with 10lb DBs)
50 air squats

Day 3
5 minute warm-up (heart rate up to 148)
Deadlift 155x5, 180x5, 200x5+
5 sets of 20 push-ups
5 sets of 1 minute planks
5 sets of 5 good mornings (start with bar)
Flat bench 135x5, 5, 5+ 

Week 2
201 Squat 140x3, 160x3, 180x3+
155 Incline bench press 115x3, 125x3, 145x3+
240 Deadlift 165x3, 190x3, 215x3+

Week 3
201 Squat 150x5, 170x3, 190x1+
155 Incline bench press 115x5, 130x3, 150x1+
240 Deadlift 180x5, 205x3, 225x1+

Might skip deload for first month and go back and add 5 or 10lbs depending on lifts. Deload will go back to week 1 weight with just first weight (not the increasing weight).
Calisthenics will be figuring out what to push myself while being able to recover. I'll adjust by feel on those with the exception of the push-ups.

Alright. I'm totally excited about pumping iron tomorrow!


I love that you’re creating a culture of wellness at work =) and I love the weightlifting lingo even if I don’t know what it means lol... makes me want to learn about this awesome passion of yours! Hehe
You'll have to fill me in on what lingo to clear up! Thanks for your support and inspiration. I want to do cross-fit in May, and maybe run by the end of summer. If only I knew a runner....
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