Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018 Almost Over!

Received results from an eye exam. I have beginning glaucoma in one eye and some beginning diabetic retinopathy in the other. So I'll have to learn how to deal with those.

Like many I gained weight over the holidays. Not so much I'm worried, just observing. My blood pressure has a good range, however it is still leaning toward the high side. The car is still not functioning and my hip is still tight. Things to work through.

I changed my "cardio" day. I'm warming up with 2 minutes on the bike and keeping the RPMs at 60 or higher during the non-sprint part. I changed the "sprint" to 3 minutes with a 3 minute low-speed period in between. Instead of going for 100% for 20 seconds I'll be watching my heart rate for the 3 minute sprint periods. I'm hoping to be between 84 and 117 during the slower periods, and 118 to 143 during the sprints.

I've been experimenting with the idea of positive stress outside of the gym. It's one thing to know that increasing weight is a stress and then you grow and adapt from pushing that. Another thing is to look at all of the daily stresses and try to categorize them as either "threat" or "challenge." There is still a long way to go yet I think it is improving my mindset so far. Making it a long-term habit is definitely a positive challenge.

A couple of things I've added to my life for this is breathing exercises that help maintain calm, or help keep me thinking clear even when stressed, and also a lot more fruit. Overall I'm feeling good. I pushed hard, had a cold, pushed a little bit then rested and feel great again. It also feels great to be this aware of how things are going.

Have a great day!


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