Sunday, December 17, 2017

Weekly Check-In 12/17/17

On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I did the HIIT routine on the bike with resistance for the sprint set on 20. Next week I'll use 21 then likely have a "deload" week after that. 

I dedicated my lifting workout yesterday to UNM graduates, especially my Hijada Paloma! And also to my coach who is in the hospital recovering from serious injuries.

Here's what I lifted Saturday:

Main Lifts:
Deadlifts 170 for three sets of 10 and one set of 12. I was able to do an overhand grip on the first three sets and half way into the last set.
Squats 140 for three sets of 10 and one set of 12.
Incline Bench 105 for three sets of 10 and one set of 12. I wasn't sure I would get to 12. It felt hard at the beginning of the week. 

Accessory Lifts:
Assisted Pull-Ups, -40 pounds for three sets of 10 and one set of 12. I'm trying hard to engage my back muscles to get this up in a few weeks. I'm thinking of staying at this weight and just getting to where I can go to 12 reps slowly.
Overhead Press 70 with barbell for four sets of 10, This was hard to get to. I started the week with the last set only going to 7. I may do the same here as with the pull-ups.
Curls 50 with barbell for three sets of 10 and one set of 12. Same as the other accessory work. 

For some reason my computer has been super slow the last couple of weeks. Makes posting on the blog a pain. I will try and keep up. Also kept me from adding links to topics mentioned above. 

On Thursday I lifted the same with one or two reps less on the final set. So where I'm doing 12 I likely did 11. Where I did 10 I probably did 8 or 9. I dropped weight and increased reps in response to my coach's feedback on my feeling tired from lifting at 10% higher weight. Coach was right!

I received a "Loving Service" award from Native Health Initiative. That was a great honor. I've been nominated for 5 awards that I'm aware of this year and received 3. It's a bit overwhelming to get recognition in this way. This week also feels like I lost some connections to friends and family. So it's been emotional to say the least. I think I just have to be OK and recognize I'm more sensitive than I want to admit. Stuff at work was challenging as well. I don't think things will get easier quickly so I'm going to have to take my gym attitude and apply it in life. Lift a little more day by day!

I'll also have to apply patience and persistence to the changes I want to see. Wish me luck! 


ABOUT THE BLOG: This blog started years ago to talk about self-care and weightlifting. It stopped for a few years. It was been restarted when I was told that I was diabetic. I had an A1C of 9.3. A1C is an estimate of your blood sugar level over the last 3 months and 6.5 is pre-diabetic, and usually over 7 is considered diabetic. In March I was re-tested and my A1C was 5.0. That's below pre-diabetic (so, essentially non-diabetic). It was nice to have my doctor say, "you used to be diabetic." I'm still working on improving my insulin sensitivity and not thinking I'm out of the woods yet. My September retest came back with and A1C of 4.9. It is exciting to be working on this and I'm pleased people feel inspired by reading this blog. 

The results were from diet and exercise. Here is a quick summary of how I responded to being diagnosed as diabetic. I'm going to post this review every so often. Mostly when I post the blog to Twitter or Facebook.

My lifting approach was to gain muscle to help with insulin sensitivity so I focused on compound exercises mostly (deadlift, bench, squat, overhead press) with some other things to round out such as pull-ups and bicep curls. I'm currently still doing full body workouts. 

Between now and mid-February I will be trying to gain muscle with 60% of my 1 rep max weight and 4 sets of 8 or more. Then from there until the end of April I will change to sets of 5 or less with higher weight. I may go up to 4 "sprints" at some point. I'm hoping for an A1C of 4.8 on the next test. I did 1 rep max testing with Lee from the Power Plant and here is what I pulled on 11/22/17
Squat 235
Bench 220
Deadlift 285

Hope all is well Enrique! I replied to your email, to find you're on break. Then, just tonight I found a link to this article on the bench press in my personal email. Check it out.

Merry Christmas!!
Thanks! I'll check that out.

Merry Christmas to you too!
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