Friday, November 03, 2017


A friend, who happens to have a state record for lifting and hadn't mentioned it, sent me to meet a trainer. A really cool place. So I may compete next year.

Time for bed and some lifting tomorrow. Had some help on my form and suggestions for stretches. Also had a redirection of order of my lifts.

So tomorrow I go Deadlifts, Squat, Bench, Pull-ups, Overhead, then Curls. See how it goes.

If you're in Albuquerque and like the idea of a place with heart and soul, check out this place! On 6224 Edith NE, 87107.
I really appreciate listening to Lee talk about his view on the world. I thought I would have to work hard to create an anti-colonial, anti-capitalist workout environment and was trying to avoid thinking about that. It's not going to keep me from working out, however it does help!

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