Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Starting Hypertrophy Cycle 11/28/17

Workout based on 70% of 1 rep max is a lot harder than what I was doing!

Everything was 4 sets of 8. I overestimated on the second three exercises thinking I would be doing sets of 10. I'll stick to sets of 8 this week unless they suddenly feel like I can get in 9 or more on the last set on Thursday or Saturday.

Deadlifts 200
Squats 165
Incline Bench 125
Assisted Pull-Ups, I'll start with -40 pounds
Overhead Press 60 with barbell
Curls 50 with barbell

Checked my body fat and it is at 23% (up from 22) and my lean mass is 119 pounds, which is up. So I am probably gaining muscle and not changing my bodyfat percentage.

My adjusted Fat Free Mass Index is 20.7 and I think the last time it was 20.1. So some progress all the way around. Let's see what the next 10 weeks brings.


I've been using the Navy Formula for body fat percentage calculations. It's working out well for the most part, but realized that progress is dependent on the loss of inches around the waist vs. the neck. At one point I lost 1/4" on both the neck and the waist, and ended up with no change in fat %. That's when I started doing the math and figured this out. It's all good though, I have a whole lot more fat to lose around the waist vs. the neck. I'm down to about 23.5% right now, and preparing for a lean bulk plan in January. Thanks again for leading me to the Navy Formula.
Cool! I'm sure it's not perfect. A good estimate though. Learning the tools and how to make them work is helpful.
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