Saturday, November 18, 2017

11/18/17 Weekend Check-In

Did HIIT with the bike on 20 resistance for the sprints. It's easier and definitely not easy. Fighting a cold the last half of the week yet decided to keep going.

Here's what I lifted this week:

Lifting on Tuesday:

Deadlifts 185 pounds - 4 sets of 5
Squats 155 pounds - 4 sets of 5
Incline Bench Press 125 pounds - 4 sets of 5
Assisted Pull-Up -25 pounds - 4 sets of 5
Overhead Press 55 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 12
Dumbbell Curls 55 pounds - 4 sets of 5

Lifting on Thursday:

Deadlifts 185 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 9
Squats 155 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 10
Incline Bench Press 125 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 8
Assisted Pull-Up -25 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 6
Overhead Press 55 pounds - 2 sets of 5 and 2 sets of 12
Dumbbell Curls 55 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 6

Lifting on Saturday:

Deadlifts 185 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 10
Squats 155 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 10
Incline Bench Press 125 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 12
Assisted Pull-Up -25 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 7
Overhead Press 55 pounds - One set of 5, 2 sets of 12 and one set of 9
Dumbbell Curls 55 pounds - 3 sets of 5 one set of 7

I don't know if it was the cold or just the end of my work before deload but it was a hard day today for sure.

Next week is deload and going to The PowerPlant ABQ for max lift testing.


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