Friday, October 13, 2017


I did my High Intensity Interval Training on the bike with 19 resistance for the sprints. Was able to make it through each sprint without stalling out the bike. Next week I go for 20! I also go up next week then go back to the first week of the month's weight for "deload" week. Deloading is a way to recuperate to prevent burning out and overtraining.

Here's what I lifted Thursday:

Incline Bench Press - 105 pounds, 3 sets of 5, one set of 12.

Assisted Pull-Ups with -45 pounds, 3 sets of 5, one set of 7.

Overhead Press with 20 pound dumbbells, 3 sets of 5, one set of 12.

Curls with 20 pound dumbbells, 3 sets of 5, one set of 8.

Deadlifts for 165 pounds, 3 sets of 5, and one set of 7.

Squats for 135 pounds, 3 sets of 5 and one set of 7.

So Saturday my attempt will be:

Incline Bench Press - 105 pounds
Assisted Pull-Ups with -45 pounds
Overhead Press with 20 pound dumbbells
Curls with 20 pound dumbbells
Deadlifts for 165 pounds
Squats for 135 pounds

Going to try at get AMRAP ("as many sets as possible") for the last set. Looks like I'll increase 5 pounds across the board next week. I could go up 10 pounds on Deads and Squats. I think it will be better to go slow and steady.

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