Friday, September 22, 2017


Tried riding the bike to 20 (max resistance) for my High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) sprints. The bike felt like it would slip and stall out. There weren't any other open bikes. I'll deload next week and try to get the 20 for HIIT next month.

I was browsing videos, and ran across this one on natural lifters. It mentions Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI) and I found this FFMI calculator. It says my "Adjusted FFMI" is 20.1, and just FFMI is 21.5. 19 is average for males, so I'm super happy with that. There is this quick article on FFMI Potential.

(EDIT) Tried to figure out the "adjusted" and I think it is a calculation for "short" people, of which I am definitely a part of that population. So I'll use adjusted which is still slightly above average. I'll probably post both just in case I learn something different as time goes by.

I'll keep trying to figure out reliable and inexpensive ways to track my progress and sharing as I can.

Between Intermittent Fasting, HIIT, and solid lifting I feel that I am getting healthier and that's a big deal!

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