Friday, September 22, 2017


Getting to 20 on HIIT hasn't been working great. I'll keep at it. Hard to get to 100% with that much resistance.

Here's my weightlifting for the day, 3 sets of 10. Still hard and I'll be happy when I get to deload week next week!

Deadlifts 185 pounds
Bench 130 lbs
Squat 170 lbs
Machine Overhead Press 75
Side lat raises with 15 lbs and I've been increasing reps, 13 this week.
Machine Rows 110 lbs
Machine Pulldowns 100 lbs

I decided I will change my workouts starting next month. I don't know the weight range yet. It will focus on the following and adjusting when I feel I've hit some plateau:

Incline Bench
Barbell Overhead Press
Barbell Curls

I'll do this for October and likely November with at 12 repetition, 8 rep, 4-5 rep range. 15 reps is killer, and I may go back to it at some point, just going to break for a couple of months.

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