Monday, August 21, 2017

August 2017 Measurements

Measurements January 28th, July 1st, then Today, August 21:

Shoulders         45 7/8  - 43 1/4 - 45 1/4
Chest                40 1/4  - 38 1/2 - 39 3/4
Waist                40        - 35 3/4 - 36 1/8
Hips                  39 1/2  - 36 1/4 - 37
Left Bicep        11 3/8  - 13        - 13 3/8
Left Forearm    11/1/8  - 11        - 11
Right Bicep      11 1/4  - 13 1/4 - 13 1/4
Right Forearm  11 5/8  - 11 1/4 - 11 1/4
Left Thigh         22 1/4 - 20 1/4 - 22 1/4
Left Calf           14 1/4  - 13       - 13 1/8
Right Thigh      22 3/8  - 21       - 22 1/4
Right Calf        11 5/8  - 13        - 13 1/8
Neck                17         - 16 1/4 - 16 1/4

Weight was 160, 145, and 147.2 respectively.

I don't have enough current experience to be able to gauge this well. I have worked my shoulders hard the last several weeks. I haven't done any bicep, forearm, or calf specific work. I've been mostly doing powerlifting type workouts with Deadlifts, Squats, and Bench, with Overhead Presses and side raises with dumbells. I've continued with moderately light rows and pull downs. This week is my de-load week (a week with light weight). Last month I did one day of sets of 3 with 12 reps, then 3 sets of 10, and 3 sets of 8 on the following two days. This month I did sets of 15, then 10, then 5.

I think I'll try the 15, 10, 5 Daily Undulating Periodization ("DUP") approach of changing reps and weight each lift day of the week.

A big shout out to my gym partner and measurement taker! I'm glad she's willing to help out.

I'll link this to other update pages later.

If you read previous posts you'll see why I have restarted this blog. The purpose of my current workout routine is to help me improve my insulin sensitivity. Any aesthetic changes will be a bonus. I'm more concerned about my health.

Keep it up, Enrique! You are doing great! You are not only a perspiration but also an inspiration to the people. You are almost up to a buck fifty of pure muscle and Latino heat. Pretty soon, instead of being known as Enrique, you will be known as Enrico, as in Enrico Suave. And the chica locas will be calling out your middle name as they fantasize about your hard body. Karen is going to be jealous and pissed. But simply tell her it's not your fault. Or is it???? HAHA
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