Monday, November 10, 2008

Why did I join La Raza Unida - Nov. 7, 2008

I joined La Raza Unida because I care about my people. I have a deep love for Chicanas and Chicanos. As I grew personally I tapped into that caring for more and more people. As this caring grew so did my concept of “Raza Unida.”

Caring is the core of Raza Unida. That caring places a responsibility to act – to care for ourselves and for each other. Part of that responsibility is to develop the strength to act on that caring.
Because we care we have a responsibility to do something and that requires us to build the capacity to take action! We have the responsibility to express our values of caring. We have the responsibility to act on those values. And we have the responsibility to build the strength to be caring.

That strength will come from us moving beyond our issues into a broader sense of humanity. This will mean bringing those things we are most passionate about together. Strength will mean putting our values and our people in charge of our world. We've recently seen the potential of putting issues second to unity and power.

Now is always a good time to make government and our society play its most important roles – protection and empowerment. Protection from abuse and oppressions, empowerment to attain our full human dignity. Join La Raza Unida and help us work together for the caring, safe and healthy world we all want to enjoy and leave for future generations!

As for "What do we do now?" Here's an answer that sounds promising - GO BIG!!!

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