Thursday, July 17, 2008

Houses for Sale

I've done this before, but if you haven't been reading for awhile you may not remember. I'm hoping to improve my neighborhood by any means necessary, and one of those is getting good hearted and socially conscious neighbors. So every once in awhile I go around and check the houses for sale within walking distance.

So if you have a good strong heart, and want to live somewhere close to people trying to make things better check these out...

I live in what is being redeveloped as the "International Neighborhoods" which is a big area - I stuck within walking distance of my house. So it is Zuni to Kathryn, and Louisian to San Pedro.

There will be first time buyer homes finished by Southern and Pennsylvania soon. Let me know if you want the info for the Greater Albuquerque Housing Partnership which is building those.

So here's a list... (all SE)

737 Kentucky - 898-4660
713 Indiana 400-7466
717 Indiana 263-2452
721 Georgia 440-1256
500 Georgia 296-1500
724 Dakota 293-3700
600 Dakota 298-1600
433 Dakota 898-4600
628 California 480-3253
608 San Pedro 828-3473
Trumbull and San Pedro, rental (I was driving and couldn't get the number there)

Keep Living!!!

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