Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Dear Democrats for La Raza Unida and Regular Dems

Dear Democrats for La Raza Unida, and regular Democrats:

Democracy is about voice and choice. Please use your voice today and vote.

Unlike other states and other countries, NM does not have an open primary so people from third parties are disenfranchised. Also use your voice with representatives of your party for open primaries so democracy is representative of all people.

Choice is a different story. Remember that your choice also impacts those who cannot vote today. Whether they are registered Raza Unida voters, brothers and sisters in prisons, or people who have come to become transnational workers but are not allowed the same rights as transnational corporations.

Remind your friends in other states to vote today also.

There are Dem primaries in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah.

And Green primaries in: California, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Arkansas.
You can find out where to vote in NM at


Much Love and Respect,

And of course the plug for Left Candidates....

Gloria La Riva

Brian Moore

RĂ³ger Calero


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