Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Back on to lifting! Had a good workout this morning. Did chest and back. I hope to ride the bike tonight.

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Blood Pressure Aid
When your blood pressure (BP) creeps up, help knock it down with this simple change in diet. Get 20 percent of your daily calories from whole-grain, high-fiber foods instead of refined "white" carbs. It could drop your systolic BP 4 to 8 points and your diastolic BP another 6 to 8 points.

Double Trouble
High blood pressure and high cholesterol are double trouble. Both put you at risk for cardiovascular disease, and they frequently occur together. If you have borderline high cholesterol (200-239 mg/dL) and prehypertension (120-139/80-89 mm Hg), it's time to take action. Here's How Fiber HelpsBoth soluble and insoluble fiber (what are those, you say?) were shown to lower blood pressure in middle-aged people with the unfortunate combo of borderline high cholesterol and prehypertension. Soluble fiber does double duty by lowering cholesterol, too.


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