Friday, February 02, 2007

Feb. 2, 07

Well among other broken US treaties (like the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo), it doesn't look good that Bush pulled out of Kyoto. What's funny is the Democrats trying to get all righteous about it! And even sadly comical is that the shrub is calling for a 20 percent reduction in gas consumption over the next 10 years. Nice how he left that mostly to the next president. This is the same "pW" that told people to go buy cars after 9/11. Shruby said that capping emissions would be bad for the economy. I wonder if he ever thought of parts of Florida disappearing might impact the economy? After Katrina, maybe he sees that all the relocation and "re-building" would be a good thing... freakin' idiot. Worse part is WE let this go on. Oh, well. Even with all the SUVs and wars, the economy still sucks and the Dems don't have anything to offer either!

And that some Christian leaders are calling to "protect God's creation" - well, many of these are the same guys driving SUVs and wanting to nuke other countries. Hopefully this wake up call will be legit and long-term. Otherwise all you poor coastal bloggers may be moving more inland. Which, given the over population of the planet, may not be a fun process!

* * *
OK, enough ranting. I'm going to get my bodyfat checked on the 23rd. So lots more walking and getting back to some good eating habits! What else is a Chicano to do?

I guess, I'll be working on planning my gardening and bugging my neighborhood association to work on creating more walkable areas and green spaces.


Thank you for the interesting articles, E. It's hard to believe and comprehend the direction in which this country is heading. It's terrible!
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