Thursday, February 22, 2007


My nephew turned 18 yesterday. He spent the night at my house so we were able to sign him las mañanitas.

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I walked with my wife this morning. We walking almost every morning together and that's cool.

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The tat is peeling. Too bad I don't have a digital camera anymore I could send those pics, just for the people who don'trealizee the process. And yes, they can be painful. I'm guessing that the tattoos hurt more than a vasectomy, but less than that childbirth. (Hope THAT helps!)

Smacking is back online and writing away!!!

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My computer was down for about three weeks getting re-done. No matter how much they promise me that they can keep all of my files together, I always end up losing stuff. But the machine is working nicely! I had Windows XP re-installed and I also had Ubuntu/Linux installed on it. The only problem is that Ubuntu is supposedly not very good at running dial up modems, and that my home provider (Netzero) has a Linspire version, but not an Ubuntu version. So I'll have to figure out stuff as we go, but overall I like migrating away from Microsoft products. They are expensive and aretargetedd by hackers and all of that stuff. So I'm hoping to build a cheap Freespire computer just for surfing, since there are incredibly less viruses and spyware written to attack Linux computers.


"tattoos hurt more than a vasectomy, but less than that childbirth"

I'll have to show you my vasectomy tatoo!

btw - I like your new one.

also, check this out
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