Thursday, February 01, 2007


US "Family Values" Lacking! From a country that preaches so much about family values, workplaces aren't keeping up, go figure!

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Walked last night and will walk today. I can tell how out of shape I've gotten, but it feels good to be walking my way back to being healthy!

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I took my first test in music class last night. I don't know if I "aced" it. But I think I did alright.

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Tomorrow is the anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Another US treaty not lived up to in spirit. And my understanding of international law is that if someone is signing a treaty with a gun to their head (figuratively) its not considered a good treaty! But some people consider it the beginning of "Chicano" history.

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OK, got lots to do at work today!


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