Wednesday, September 06, 2006

On My Way Out

Well, I'm officially on my way out of my current job. Turned in the notice and all of that good stuff. It's all feeling a little sad, but mostly OK. Myspace is blocked, even the blog is blocked! Gradually they are blocking more and more stuff. It's an interesting use of time. It may get people who goof off some to have to spend time with co-workers - which may lead to relationships. And workers who have good strong relationships are more likely to stick together.

* * *
Still riding the bike! A half hour, it's making me sweat, but I still haven't REALLY pushed it. I may this week, but mostly still trying to get used to it.

KEEP LIFTING, KEEP RIDING!!! (since I'm not running for awhile!!!)

You've got to tell me how much you love the bike. I need a piece of workout equipment!
Besitos y Abrazos
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