Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Being a warrior...

"At best, being a warrior gives us an opportunity to transcend the dream of the planet, and to change our personal dream to a dream that we call heaven. Just like hell, heaven is a place that exists within our mind. It is a place of joy, a place where we are happy, where we are free to love and to be who we really are. We can reach heaven while we are alive; we don't have to wait until we die. God is always present and the kingdom of heaven is everywhere, but first we need to have the eyes and ears to see and hear that truth..."

From "The Four Agreements" - an interesting book that came to me at the right time it seems!

So bizarre... I found this book when I was unpacking all my books last weekend, and it was one of the very few in my collection I hadn't read, so I started it last Sunday. How strange.
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