Tuesday, November 22, 2005

11/22 Que Chinga!

OK. My weight is down to 167.2, I'm stronger than ever, people tell me I look more muscular, but apparently I'm not. My body fat went up to 23.9% from 23.6% on 9/6.

Time to get over that and move on. The guy at the UNM Exercise Physiology lab made some recommendations and I'm going to give them a shot.

Here goes:

Instead of 1-3 home cardio sessions, he wants me to jog or run for 30 minutes twice a week. We discussed it and it looks like Saturday and Sunday. I can still do one cardio at home.

He would rather have me miss a weight workout than one of the cardio workouts. Since I doubt I'll miss many weight workouts it will be good to keep up on the cardio.

He also suggested that I use high volume for mass and go down in weight for a couple of months. He liked that I alternate, but said for this next round maybe building mass back up would be good. So more sets with higher number of reps.

He also thinks that a protein drink before going to bed will help with the muscle mass loss.

I'll try all of these things and report in. Next bodyfat check will be in January!

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