Friday, October 14, 2005

Quote for the Union Peeps

“In fact, we have found that countries with strong labor movements, with social democratic and socialist parties that have governed for long periods of time, and with strong unions (Sweden, for example), have developed stronger redistribution policies and inequality-reducing measures of a universalistic type (meaning that they affect all people) rather than antipoverty, means-tested, assistance types of programs. These worker-friendly countries consequently have better health indicators than those countries where labor movements are very weak, as is the case in the United States, a corporate-class-friendly country. The reason for this difference is that the sense of social cohesion is larger in the worker-friendly countries, the sense of power and participation is higher, and the feeling of social distance is smaller than in the corporate-class-friendly countries. The evidence for this conclusion is plainly overwhelming.” (

From Status, Health and Stupidity

Yes, someone is saying THAT!

Anyway, I hope that I can get some of my co-workers to take on the union stuff at my job. I'm stretched and trying not to fall into the pattern of taking these things on so others can get out of it. It bugs some of my union pals, but I'm sticking to it for now. I'm gonna post this quote on my door at work!!!

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