Monday, October 31, 2005


Had a good deadlift workout. Stayed at 200 lbs.

My legs still feel some of the workout from Friday. That surprised me, but I think its all good.

Didn't weigh in today. I'm gonna back off on that some.

* * *
Things are well overall. Had a couple of rehearsals with the kids. We got in three new songs over the weekend. Peter Gunn, Mission Impossible theme (which will turn into a cover of a Limp Biskit song), and Wild Thing. Not the hardest songs, but still pretty good.

Still slept a lot this weekend too. But I can breath. I hadn't even noticed that I wasn't breathing well until I could breathe well again.

I get an occasional random post - like one from "scooter" - all it said was "BEANER". Like the phone calls I get, the person uses the ability to remain anonymous to throw their slurs and rude comments. Probably because they are the type of person who can't handle stuff face to face. Or even to put a real ID online no less. Oh well, what are ya gonna do with the spineless pigs that abound?

Have a great day and KEEP LIFTING!

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