Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Cardio this morning. Did a video with 3 minutes of "get your heart pumping" cardio and one minute of weights for "strength." What I did was the 3 minutes of cardio, and then did jumping jacks for the 1 minute interval. Now THAT got my heart pumping. I did 60 jumping jacks each time.

Came in at 169.4 today. That's good, I'm hoping to be under 169.0 by the 15th.

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Have had nice posts by Eileen and Becky lately. Smacking is probably busy with her new job. Haven't had a report on the long-term workout for awhile. Its tough keeping it up, but I'm hoping its all worth it!

Family stuf - my sis who supplied the kids with alcohol hasn't called. I'm assuming from what I heard of her "apology" that she won't call. She seemed to focus on "I know you won't let the kids come see me" which is very much typical dysfunctional behavior. Trying to guilt trip other people for her mistake. I've been strung out, and been around alcoholics and junkies enough to know that trick. So I guess that for awhile I won't let the kids hang out with my partying syblings. I think its wrong to give other people's children alcohol without their permission - especially when one of the parents is at the same event and you could easily ask them.

And on top of that, Study Finds that Most of us will be Fat over the long-term! Always trust the news to cheer you up!

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