Thursday, June 30, 2005

More Tae Bo

Did another Tae Bo workout today. Must be working because I'm at 170.0. I'll try not to get to happy and eat too much today. I'll do enough of that over the weekend. I'll get to see if I can go camping and still eat 4 or more times a day.

Tae Bo seems easy now. I used to get all tired and sweaty. I actually sweat and breathe harder during my weightlifting!

Anyway, didn't workout last night with my wife. Had an early rehearsal - don't know why I go on time. We always start about 30 minutes after schedule. I shoulda called in and practiced for another gig I have on Saturday. Oh well.

My homie complimented me on my forearms, that was cool. And we had a good talk about stuff that gets in the way. And we talked about the blog. I'm gonna vent on occasion here so get used to it. What's hard about that is it seems like many blog readers know my family so I'll try and be thoughtful about that.

Anyway, gotta go meet my bosses boss.

Keep Lifting!

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